Alexander Spacek is using cosmic microwave background data to measure the total thermal energy of the medium around large elliptical galaxies and better determine the impact of active black holes on the history of galaxy formation.
Richard Sarmento is studying the transition from metal-free (Population III) star formation to metal-enriched (Population II) star formation using large scale cosmological simulations and a cutting-edge subgrid model of turbulent mixing.
Edward Buie is studying the impact of turbulence on the observered properties of the circumgalactic medium using hydrodynamic simulations coupled with a network of chemical reactions.
J'Neil Cottle is studying the acceleration and disruption of cold gas in galaxy outflows using hydrodynamic simulations that include magnetic fields and anisotropic conduction.
Reid Landeed is studying supernova drive turbulence in the interstellar medium using the FLASH code.
Luis Nieblas is carrying out chemodynamical cosmological simulations with the RAMSES code.
Kezman Saboi is studying the driving of galaxy outflows using the FLASH code.
Four great ASU undergraduates are taking part in the 2016 LOFAR IRES program: Michael Busch, Dustin Nguyen, Stephanie Stawinski, & Trevor Van Engelhoven.
Dr. Pan's postdoctoral work in our group involved large numerical simulations of mixing processes in supersonic turbulence. He is now a Clay postdoctoral Fellow in the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
Dr. Sur's postdoctoral work in our group involved large numerical simulations of both galaxy outflows and turbulent mixing in magnetized media. He is now a faculty member at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, in Bangalore.
William Gray's dissertation work involved chemodynamical simulations of globular cluster formation and collapsing filaments in the intergalactic medium. He is now a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Michigan.
Cody Raskin's disseration helped advance our understanding of the progenitors of type Ia supernovae: both through simulations of colliding and merging white dwarfs and analysis of images of supernova host galaxies. He is now a postdoctoral fellow at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
Mark Richardson's dissertation work has helped deepen our understanding of the formation of stars at high redshift. He is currently a Beecroft postdoctoral fellow at Oxford University.
The National Science Foundation has a long track record of supporting our group with both research and education grants.
NASA supports our work both by providing funding through Astrophysics Theory Grants and by providing HPC time through their Advanced Supercomputing Division.
Our work on the first stars is supported by the Joint Nuclear Institute for Astrophysics Center for the Evolution of the Elements.
The Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment supports our work through supercomputing resources.
I have been fortunate to have had a chance to work with and learn from many excellent scientists including: Rennan Barkana, Lars Bildsten, Chris Brook, Thomas Broadhurst, Marcus Brüggen, Jacqueline Bergeron, Rychard Bouwens, Xuelei Chen, Benedetta Ciardi, Marc Davis, Massimo Della Valle, Brad Gibson, Daisuke Kawata, Spencer Klein, Ilian Iliev, Pedro Ferreira, Andrea Ferrara, Ignacio Ferreras, Chris Fryer, Shaul Hanany, Francis Harlow, Alexander Heger, Daniel Kasen, Janna Levin, Piero Madau, Hugo Martel, Crystal Martin, Don Neill, Peng Oh, Eve Ostriker, Patrick Petitjean, Christophe Pichon, Dmitry Pogosyan, Gabriel Rockefeller, Joseph Silk, Rafaella Schneider, John Scalo, Paul Shapiro, Jonathan Tan, Robert J. Thacker, Jon Weisheit, Lawrence Widrow, Stan Woosley, and my many wonderful colleagues at the ASU School of Earth and Space Exploration.